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Top 10 active players as of December 31, 1983

Top 500 active players as of December 31, 1983


Player Rating +/- Best? 75%? Age
1 Kasparov, Garry K28185167.5% #220.72
2 Karpov, Anatoly E27644917.5% #532.61
3 Korchnoi, Viktor L2699501.9% #2252.77
4 Portisch, Lajos2694491.3% #2546.74
5 Vaganian, Rafael A2691501.1% #2732.21
6 Polugaevsky, Lev A2686511.0% #2949.11
7 Timman, Jan H2684470.7% #2932.05
8 Andersson, Ulf2684480.6% #2932.51
9 Beliavsky, Alexander G2682500.8% #3130.04
10 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir2680490.7% #3233.16
11 Smyslov, Vassily V2675520.8% #3662.77
12 Romanishin, Oleg M2675490.5% #3531.97
13 Dolmatov, Sergey V2674520.7% #3624.86
14 Hübner, Robert2671500.5% #3735.15
15 Tal, Mikhail2670490.4% #3847.14
16 Spassky, Boris V2667490.3% #4046.91
17 Petrosian, Tigran V2659500.3% #4554.54
18 Miles, Anthony J2657480.2% #4628.69
19 Gulko, Boris F2657540.4% #4836.89
20 Ribli, Zoltán2651500.2% #5132.32
21 Psakhis, Lev B2649490.2% #5225.09
22 Malaniuk, Vladimir P2647540.2% #5626.44
23 Hort, Vlastimil2639480.1% #5939.96
24 Eingorn, Viacheslav S2638620.4% #6827.10
25 Dorfman, Iosif D2636510.1% #6331.66
26 Jussupow, Artur M2633500.1% #6523.88
27 Novikov, Igor A2632610.2% #7221.61
28 Sosonko, Gennadi2630500.1% #6840.62
29 Nunn, John D M262948 #6828.68
30 Lputian, Smbat G2627520.1% #7225.88
31 Browne, Walter S262450 #7234.97
32 Balashov, Yury S262449 #7334.80
33 Geller, Efim P262150 #7658.83
34 Ftácnik, Lubomír261948 #7726.17
35 Tseshkovsky, Vitaly V261950 #7839.27
36 Larsen, Bent261850 #7948.82
37 Chernin, Alexander M2618580.1% #8523.82
38 Bronstein, David I2617550.1% #8359.87
39 Agzamov, Georgy T261552 #8329.32
40 Tukmakov, Vladimir B261451 #8337.79
41 Ehlvest, Jaan2614570.1% #8821.21
42 Kupreichik, Viktor D261253 #8734.49
43 Vyzmanavin, Alexey2611590.1% #9023.99
44 Sveshnikov, Evgeny E261151 #8633.89
45 Kavalek, Lubomir260852 #9040.39
46 Dvoiris, Semen I2608590.1% #9425.16
47 Seirawan, Yasser260748 #8923.77
48 Christiansen, Larry M260351 #9527.51
49 Kochiev, Alexander260258 #10027.77
50 Vaisser, Anatoli260153 #9834.82
51 Averbakh, Yury L2599720.2% #11261.90
52 Razuvaev, Yury S259851 #9938.22
53 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab A259852 #10023.79
54 Dvoretsky, Mark I2596640.1% #11136.06
55 Nikolic, Predrag259550 #10123.30
56 Kuzmin, Gennady P259454 #10537.94
57 Vasiukov, Evgeny A259455 #10650.82
58 Gipslis, Aivars259357 #10846.90
59 Chekhov, Valery A259251 #10528.09
60 Yurtaev, Leonid259155 #10924.66
61 Adorján, András259049 #10633.75
62 Lerner, Konstantin Z258552 #11333.84
63 Parma, Bruno2584660.1% #12342.00
64 Taimanov, Mark E258258 #12157.90
65 Yudasin, Leonid G258253 #11724.40
66 Sax, Gyula258149 #11632.54
67 Byrne, Robert E258157 #12155.70
68 Didishko, Vereslav258159 #12234.72
69 Smejkal, Jan258050 #11837.77
70 Gorelov, Sergey G257761 #12826.37
71 Mikhalchishin, Adrian B257652 #12229.12
72 Kremenetsky, Anatoly M257666 #13244.96
73 Gheorghiu, Florin257550 #12239.73
74 Gavrikov, Victor N257552 #12326.42
75 Torre, Eugenio257350 #12432.16
76 Kharitonov, Andrey Y257254 #12824.74
77 Kholmov, Ratmir D257255 #12858.63
78 Veingold, Aleksander257261 #13230.22
79 Georgadze, Tamaz V257156 #13036.14
80 Savon, Vladimir A257158 #13243.26
81 Korzubov, Peter257157 #13121.99
82 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N257154 #12937.70
83 Panno, Oscar R257158 #13248.79
84 Panchenko, Alexander N256952 #12930.24
85 Makarichev, Sergey Y256652 #13330.12
86 Mestel, A Jonathan256351 #13526.80
87 Timoshchenko, Gennady256259 #14034.68
88 Palatnik, Semen A256262 #14233.76
89 Knaak, Rainer F256149 #13630.79
90 Quinteros, Miguel A256051 #13836.01
91 Petrosian, Arshak B256054 #14030.04
92 Ivanovic, Božidar256050 #13737.35
93 Stean, Michael F255856 #14230.32
94 Barua, Dibyendu255860 #14517.18
95 Zaichik, Gennady L255853 #14026.89
96 Kovacevic, Vladimir255852 #14041.76
97 Vitolinš, Alvis255760 #14637.54
98 Vorotnikov, Vladislav V255559 #14736.37
99 Simic, Radoslav255461 #14935.56
100 Podgaets, Mikhail Y255364 #15236.44
101 Averkin, Orest N255373 39.85
102 Chandler, Murray G255249 23.74
103 Speelman, Jonathan S255249 27.25
104 Karlsson, Lars255249 28.47
105 Darga, Klaus V255275 49.85
106 Alburt, Lev O255151 38.36
107 Sokolov, Andrey Y255158 20.78
108 Sturua, Zurab255059 24.56
109 Kurajica, Bojan255049 36.13
110 Shneider, Aleksandr254961 21.61
111 Gufeld, Eduard E254954 47.78
112 Marjanovic, Slavoljub254851 28.98
113 Guseinov, Aidyn254755 31.99
114 Yermolinsky, Alex V254760 25.72
115 Suba, Mihai254650 36.58
116 van der Wiel, John T H254649 24.39
117 deFirmian, Nicholas E254552 26.43
118 Bagirov, Vladimir K254551 47.37
119 Anikaev, Yury254356 35.51
120 Csom, István254350 43.58
121 Nikolac, Juraj254270 51.69
122 Gligoric, Svetozar254250 60.91
123 Glek, Igor V254264 22.15
124 Dzindzichashvili, Roman Y254155 39.65
125 Polovodin, Igor A254058 28.77
126 Ubilava, Elizbar E254054 33.34
127 Tarjan, James E253953 31.86
128 Velimirovic, Dragoljub253953 41.63
129 Abramovic, Boško253850 32.88
130 Uhlmann, Wolfgang253549 48.76
131 Faragó, Iván253450 37.75
132 Vogt, Lothar H253450 31.95
133 Lukin, Andrei M253465 35.34
134 Salov, Valery B253266 19.60
135 Pintér, József253152 30.14
136 Reshevsky, Samuel H252765 72.10
137 Henley, Ron W252750 27.07
138 Shamkovich, Leonid A252654 60.58
139 Ivanov, Igor V252652 36.97
140 Olafsson, Fridrik252459 48.92
141 Ivkov, Borislav252352 50.13
142 Osnos, Viacheslav V252369 48.44
143 Short, Nigel D252250 18.58
144 Grigorian, Karen A252259 36.32
145 Zilberman, Nathan R252163 43.66
146 Eolian, Levon S252171 24.29
147 Pachmann, Ludek252166 59.64
148 Cebalo, Mišo251954 38.90
149 Wedberg, Tom251951 30.10
150 Nemet, Ivan251962 40.71
151 Lobron, Eric251849 23.65
152 Zakharov, Alexander V251766 40.23
153 Magerramov, Elmar S251673 25.72
154 Keene, Raymond251653
155 Bilek, István251670 51.39
156 Tseitlin, Mikhail S251557 36.54
157 Liberzon, Vladimir M251359 46.77
158 Ree, Hans251350 39.29
159 Oll, Lembit251354 17.69
160 Spassov, Liuben251250 40.77
161 García Gonzáles, Guillermo251251 30.06
162 Gurgenidze, Bukhuti I251259 50.13
163 Pigusov, Evgeny251261 22.75
164 Jamieson, Robert Murray251175
165 Thipsay, Praveen Mahadeo251163 24.38
166 Meduna, Eduard251149 33.30
167 Najdorf, Miguel251157 73.71
168 Popovic, Petar251055 24.88
169 Espig, Lutz251051 34.98
170 Hazai, Laszlo251052 30.55
171 Donchev, Dimitar I250953 25.44
172 Suetin, Alexey S250957 57.12
173 Biyiasas, Peter250971 33.12
174 Ostermeyer, Peter250957 40.22
175 Mnatsakanian, Eduard A250960 45.07
176 Pfleger, Helmut250853 40.40
177 Nikolic, Zivoslav250857 30.05
178 Szabó, László250774 66.78
179 Lutikov, Anatoly S250770 50.90
180 Vladimirov, Evgeny Y250660 26.94
181 Mokrý, Karel250653 24.90
182 Marovic, Dražen250669 45.96
183 Cámpora, Daniel H250554 26.50
184 Hulak, Krunoslav250550 32.60
185 Bukic, Enver250559 46.08
186 Groszpeter, Attila250452 23.56
187 Kudrin, Sergey250451 24.32
188 Klovans, Janis250457 48.73
189 Schmidt, Wlodzimierz250449 40.72
190 Tatai, Stefano250454 45.77
191 Unzicker, Wolfgang250255 58.51
192 Hansen, Curt250251 19.29
193 Andrianov, Nikolai249960 22.03
194 Matanovic, Aleksandar249963 53.61
195 Podzielny, Karl Heinz249871 29.31
196 Lukacs, Peter249851 33.48
197 Nogueiras, Jesus249853 24.45
198 Agdestein, Simen249854 16.63
199 Matulovic, Milan249755 48.56
200 Spraggett, Kevin B249661 29.14
201 Inkiov, Ventzislav249649 27.62
202 Franco Ocampos, Zenon249654 27.63
203 Lein, Anatoly249551 52.76
204 Lechtynsky, Jiri249551 36.10
205 Velikov, Petar249450 32.75
206 Malich, Burkhard G249462 47.09
207 Georgiev, Krum249451 25.60
208 Murey, Yakov249351 42.41
209 Chiburdanidze, Maia G249356 22.95
210 Ivanov, Alexander V249273 27.66
211 Rogulj, Branko249270 32.41
212 Djuric, Stefan249157 28.43
213 Vukic, Milan249053 40.37
214 Kengis, Edvins249058 24.72
215 Ionov, Sergey248966 21.98
216 Kraidman, Yair248765 51.16
217 Van der Sterren, Paul248751 27.79
218 Øgaard, Leif248756 31.98
219 Schussler, Harry248651 26.52
220 Jansa, Vlastimil248548 41.09
221 Plaskett, Jim248556 23.79
222 Díez del Corral, Jesús248563 50.73
223 Zapata, Alonso248452 25.36
224 Gutman, Lev248458 38.26
225 Kindermann, Stefan248451 24.01
226 Gruenberg, Hans Ulrich248353 27.97
227 Calvo Minguez, Ricardo248374 40.19
228 Soltis, Andrew E248362 36.59
229 Smagin, Sergey248369 25.31
230 Giorgadze, Giorgi248263 19.22
231 Radulov, Ivan248249 44.98
232 Duer, Arne248273 24.47
233 Pribyl, Josef248151 36.22
234 Mariotti, Sergio248160 37.39
235 Rozentalis, Eduardas248065 20.59
236 Mednis, Edmar J248063 46.77
237 Kalinitschew, Sergey247974 27.91
238 Birnboim, Nathan247960 33.09
239 Peters, John A247868 32.89
240 Cherepkov, Alexander V247876 63.17
241 Wolf, Volker247866 26.32
242 Antoshin, Vladimir S247865 54.63
243 Gurevich, Dmitry247751 27.30
244 Rodriguez, Amador247653 27.31
245 Stohl, Igor247558 19.26
246 Benko, Pal C247460 55.46
247 Strauss, David J247473 37.40
248 Todorcevic, Miodrag247468 43.14
249 Schneider, Lars Ake247354
250 Dizdar, Goran247354 25.07
251 Popov, Luben247355 47.92
252 Spiridonov, Nikola247352 45.84
253 Adamski, Jan247351 40.14
254 Petrushin, Alexander I247358 36.81
255 Sigurjónsson, Gudmundur247354 36.27
256 Hug, Werner247172 31.31
257 Van Wijgerden, Cornelis247155 33.61
258 Bönsch, Uwe247050 25.21
259 Zaitsev, Igor A247054 45.59
260 Tavadian, Ragik246961
261 Ernst, Thomas246862 23.37
262 Bikhovsky, Avigdor I246864 28.82
263 Vokác, Marek246867 25.07
264 Tringov, Georgy P246755 46.82
265 Rukavina, Josip246758 41.09
266 Klaric, Zlatko246563 27.19
267 Szekely, Peter246553 28.90
268 Knezevic, Milorad246452 47.17
269 Martinovic, Slobodan246454 38.43
270 Plachetka, Jan246449 38.87
271 Sunye Neto, Jaime246452 26.66
272 Feustel, Bernd246461 29.28
273 Pytel, Krzysztof246358 38.63
274 Kogan, Boris246360
275 McCambridge, Vincent246265 23.81
276 Arnason, Jon L246252 23.13
277 Karner, Hillar246257 48.43
278 Mortensen, Erling246250 28.74
279 Arbakov, Valentin246263 31.92
280 Portisch, Ferenc246256 44.73
281 Ghinda, Mihail Viorel246255 34.43
282 Eslon, Jaan246166 31.82
283 Gruenfeld, Yehuda246056 27.84
284 Wockenfuss, Klaus246063 32.34
285 Hebden, Mark246051 25.88
286 Kirov Ivanov, Nino246052 38.31
287 Sharif, Mershad245975 31.47
288 Bisguier, Arthur B245962 54.23
289 Martz, William E245975
290 Lanka, Zigurds245860 23.61
291 Robatsch, Karl245856 55.21
292 Rajkovic, Dusan245854 41.54
293 Rodriguez, Ruben245863 37.07
294 Mochalov, Evgeny V245768 32.17
295 Zilberstein, Valery I245765 40.72
296 Levitina, Irina S245458 29.56
297 Vera, Reynaldo245352 22.98
298 Hamann, Svend245362 43.23
299 Raicevic, Vladimir245365 34.66
300 Stoica, Valentin245357 33.88
301 Lazic, Miroljub245368 17.51
302 Renman, Nils Gustaf245370
303 Helmers, Knut J245254 26.90
304 Barczay, Laszlo245255 47.86
305 Gurevich, Mikhail N245166 24.86
306 Makropoulos, Georgios245166 30.26
307 Ligterink, Gert245152 34.12
308 Bajovic, Milan245065
309 Velickovic, Sasa245061 32.75
310 Kristiansen, Jens245053 31.60
311 Gerusel, Mathias245074 45.90
312 Vadasz, Laszlo244967 35.92
313 Ost Hansen, Jacob244957
314 Prandstetter, Eduard244952 35.04
315 Fedorowicz, John P244958 25.26
316 Govedarica, Radovan244973 35.88
317 Ambroz, Jan244854 29.54
318 Pekarek, Ales244863 22.04
319 Minic, Dragoljub244874 46.82
320 Padevsky, Nikola B244765 50.59
321 Taulbut, Shaun M244665 25.96
322 Hartston, William R244665 36.38
323 Hermann, Manfred244662 41.33
324 Dobrovolsky, Ladislav244656 33.02
325 Hecht, Hans-Joachim244566 44.92
326 Bastian, Herbert244558 31.06
327 Rivas Pastor, Manuel244552 23.47
328 Bjelajac, Milan244557 35.80
329 Botterill, George Steven244473
330 Pétursson, Margeir244356 23.88
331 Luczak, Andrzej244367 35.07
332 Fernandez Garcia, Jose Luis244358 29.66
333 Toth, Bela244354 40.70
334 Sznapik, Aleksander244250 32.89
335 Garcia Palermo, Carlos244154 30.08
336 Bellin, Robert244165 31.50
337 Bass, Leonid244159 26.59
338 Nei, Iivo244159 52.17
339 Commons, Kim S244072 32.44
340 Schweber, Samuel243962 47.46
341 Zaltsman, Vitaly F243959 42.18
342 Wittmann, Walter243859 35.80
343 Ardiansyah, Haji243854 32.07
344 Kaidanov, Gregory S243865 24.22
345 Forintos, Gyözö V243658 48.42
346 Barlov, Dragan243654 26.91
347 Schneider, Attila243655 28.71
348 Nurkic, Sahbaz243566 27.80
349 Nun, Jiri243561 26.43
350 Lukov, Valentin243552 28.05
351 Kagan, Shimon243559 41.73
352 Martin, Andrew D243458 26.62
353 Szmetan, Jorge243461 33.60
354 Scheeren, Peter243455 28.42
355 Rubinetti, Jorge A243364 38.75
356 Cvetkovic, Srdjan243358 37.84
357 Zichichi, Alvise243260 45.49
358 Rodriguez Vargas, Orestes243163 40.49
359 Donner, Johannes H243162 56.48
360 Wirthensohn, Heinz243157 32.66
361 Langeweg, Kick243153 46.82
362 Greenfeld, Alon243162 19.70
363 Alexandria, Nana243171 34.22
364 Gruen, Peter243061 26.96
365 Frias, Victor J243055 27.89
366 Sydor, Andrzej243060 46.99
367 Kaiszauri, Konstanty243063 31.18
368 Ilic, Zoran242866 20.41
369 Sahovic, Dragutin242855 43.40
370 Littlewood, Paul E242861 27.95
371 Soppe, Guillermo242872 23.29
372 Wiedenkeller, Michael242766 20.97
373 Semkov, Semko242760 23.84
374 Loginov, Valery A242762 28.05
375 Tompa, Janos242768 36.67
376 Gomez Baillo, Jorge H242771 24.70
377 Neckar, Lubomir242660 33.41
378 Goehring, Karl Heinz242664
379 Qi Jingxuan242664 36.14
380 Rantanen, Yrjo A242654 33.69
381 Shvidler, Eliahu242464 24.03
382 Lengyel, Levente242462 50.55
383 Adianto, Utut242458 18.79
384 Doda, Zbigniew242362 52.86
385 Bouaziz, Slim242355 33.71
386 Hebert, Jean242366 26.14
387 Kunsztowicz, Uwe242367 39.95
388 Seppeur, Reinhold242365 28.38
389 Ghitescu, Theodor242366 49.93
390 Cabrilo, Goran242357 25.50
391 Augustin, Josef242276 41.62
392 Lau, Ralf242266 24.20
393 Herzog, Adolf242264 30.57
394 Jakobsen, Ole242153 41.20
395 Danailov, Silvio242161 22.69
396 Kestler, Hans-Günter242166 44.05
397 Tisdall, Jonathan D242155 25.35
398 Olafsson, Helgi242159 27.38
399 Hase, Juan Carlos242061
400 Hernandez, Roman242053 34.11
401 Seret, Jean Luc242075
402 Skembris, Spyridon242053 25.86
403 Imanaliev, Taalaibek242064
404 Bronstein, Luis241968 37.58
405 Lalev, Dimitar241957 23.95
406 Shirazi, Kamran G241963 31.11
407 Djukic, Zeljko241957 24.55
408 Braga, Fernando241861 25.48
409 Flear, Glenn C241862 24.88
410 Sher, Miron N241866 31.51
411 Foisor, Ovidiu241856 24.73
412 Garcia Martinez, Silvino241851 39.49
413 Mascarinas, Rico241767 30.83
414 Nun, Josef241759 50.44
415 Ornstein, Axel241655 31.69
416 Bielczyk, Jacek241653 30.86
417 Ravikumar, Vaidyanathan241662 24.01
418 Sideif Sade, Fikret I241662 31.99
419 Filipovic, Branko241564 26.23
420 Haik, Aldo241562 31.20
421 Rogers, Ian241455 23.52
422 Zahariev, Zahari241467 22.31
423 Trapl, Jindrich241471 41.77
424 Krnic, Zdenko241360 36.25
425 Van Voorthuijsen, PW.241376
426 Hennings, Artur241375 43.47
427 Reefschlaeger, Helmut241359 39.73
428 Handoko, Edhi241255 23.34
429 Danner, Georg241257 37.18
430 Horvath, Tamas241255 32.19
431 Trifunov, Dimitar241164 19.98
432 Kuligowski, Adam241154 28.02
433 Banas, Jan241155 36.58
434 Bohm, Hans241153 33.95
435 Benjamin, Joel L241157 19.80
436 Maki, Veijo241060 25.07
437 Bischoff, Klaus241054 22.56
438 Kuijf, Marinus240961 23.88
439 Peev, Peicho Chonev240969 43.75
440 Borm, Franciscus WM240960
441 Szymczak, Zbigniew240952 31.98
442 Kuijpers, Franciscus Antonius240874
443 Hausner, Ivan240858 31.71
444 Morovic Fernández, Iván E240773 20.77
445 Sygulski, Artur240754 23.44
446 Petran, Pal240769 37.29
447 Lanc, Alois240657 35.87
448 Brinck Claussen, Bjorn240654
449 Gonsior, Evzen240668 52.07
450 Akesson, Ralf240561 22.90
451 Heinbuch, Detlef240569 22.97
452 Drasko, Milan240463 21.07
453 Kelecevic, Nedeljko240457 36.80
454 Ermenkov, Evgenij240451 34.26
455 Pritchett, Craig William240370
456 Westerinen, Heikki MJ240351 39.68
457 Hoi, Carsten240253 26.95
458 Rakic, Tomislav240158 49.14
459 Osmanovic, Kemal240163 42.82
460 Angantysson, Haukur240170 35.08
461 Sisniega, Marcel240155 24.43
462 Cvitan, Ognjen240160 22.22
463 Sjoberg, Mats240074 25.14
464 Tiller, Bjorn240056 24.95
465 Bojkovic, Slobodan240067 38.43
466 Gobet, Fernand240056 21.88
467 Martin Gonzalez, Angel239862 30.99
468 Pliester, Leon239769 29.36
469 Borik, Otto239757 36.27
470 Hodgson, Julian M239759 20.43
471 Li Zunian239768 25.97
472 van Scheltinga, Tjeerd D239668 69.82
473 Vilela, Jose Luis239653 30.78
474 Tischbierek, Raj239553 21.27
475 Diaz, Joaquin C239458 35.49
476 Dlugy, Maxim239359 17.92
477 Santos, Luis239366 28.50
478 Filipenko, Alexander V239374 34.82
479 Ochoa de Echaguen, F Javier239264 29.32
480 Fedder, Steen239263 32.55
481 Filipowicz, Andrzej239165 45.63
482 Hartoch, Robert G239170
483 Johansen, Darryl K239161 24.91
484 Milovanovic, Rade239069 29.13
485 Welin, Thomas239068 24.32
486 Cramling, Dan238959 24.90
487 Tempone, Marcelo238860 21.32
488 Davies, Nigel R238862 23.42
489 Grigorov, Jordan N238761 30.06
490 Pinal, Nelson Borges238760
491 Georgiev, Kiril238757 18.09
492 Damjanovic, Mato238661 56.77
493 Majorovas, Vitalijus238671 22.73
494 Gauglitz, Gernot238663 21.51
495 Cox, John J238564 21.61
496 Casper, Thomas238558 24.79
497 Velez, Nestor238563 27.65
498 Sibarevic, Milenko238465 38.80
499 Tomaszewski, Roman238469 23.62
500 Stempin, Pawel238455 24.47

These ratings, calculated as of December 31, 1983, incorporate all games (against rated opponents) played in the time between January 1, 1983 and December 31, 1983, along with the ratings that were already calculated as of December 31, 1982. Players who have played an insufficient number of games in recent years will not appear on the list, even though you may see them on previous and/or subsequent lists. Any players who have been completely inactive for three years are removed from the list.

Definition of columns in the above list:

# refers to the player's world rank on this list.

Player is the full name of the player. Click on the player's name to see a career progression of the player's ratings.

Rating is the calculated rating for the player, as of December 31, 1983. This represents the player's estimated strength on January 1, 1984.

+/- is the standard deviation of the player's rating estimate. It is based on a geometric average of the number of rated games played in past years. Players who play very frequently will have a smaller +/- value, indicating a greater confidence in the accuracy of their rating. Players whose +/- value exceeds 76 are classified as "inactive" and removed from the ranking list due to their infrequent play against rated opponents. Mathematically, a player's rating is an estimate of their exact strength on January 1, 1984. The +/- value represents the standard deviation of that estimate; the player's true strength on January 1, 1984 should be within one standard deviation of their calculated rating approximately 68% of the time, and within two standard deviations of their calculated rating approximately 95% of the time.

Best? is the estimated likelihood that the player was actually the strongest player in the world on January 1, 1984. Since ratings are known to be inaccurate, it is possible that a lower-rated player is actually much stronger than their rating would indicate, and it is also possible that other players are weaker than their ratings would indicate. This number indicates the likelihood that the player is indeed the strongest player in the world. On a particular list, it will add up to 100% across the complete list of all players. This value is only calculated for the top 100 players on any rating list.

75%? gives a 75%-confidence world ranking for the player. Because ratings are known to be inaccurate, even if a particular player is rated third in the world, we cannot say with 100% certainty that they are truly one of the three strongest players in the world. This number indicates the world rank that we are 75% sure the player is "no worse than". Thus if a player has a value of #12 in this column, we are 75% sure that the player is one of the twelve strongest players in the world. This value is only calculated for the top 100 players on any rating list.

Age is the player's exact age in years, on December 31, 1983. If a player's age is displayed as a link, that means that this rating was active at the time of their next birthday. Click on the link to see the sorted list of all players' ratings on their birthdays when turning that same age.

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