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Chessmetrics Player Profile: Jacob Yukhtman
   Born:    1935-Jan
   Died:    1985-Jan
   Best World Rank:    #41 (2 different months between the April 1960 rating list and the October 1960 rating list )
   Highest Rating:    2622 on the April 1960 rating list, #41 in world, age 25y3m
   Best Individual Performance:    2642 in Tbilisi (URS Championship), 1959, scoring 8.5/19 (45%) vs 2675-rated opposition

  (no graph available)   Best Performances   Career Details   Event Details   Ratings only
    Event Name  Rating   Performance   Overall Results   Actual Results vs Rated Opponents   +/- Predicted 
    UKR-ch Kiev, 1954  not rated on January 1954 list   [2418]   +7 (13/19, 68%)   -1 (0/1, 0%) vs 2506-rated opposition   N/A 
    Tbilisi, 1956  not rated on November 1956 list   2563   +2 (10.5/19, 55%)   -1 (5/11, 45%) vs 2593-rated opposition   N/A 
    Sverdlovsk, 1957  2549 (#100 on January 1957 list  2581   = (9.5/19, 50%)   -1 (5/11, 45%) vs 2614-rated opposition   +0.3 
    Tiumen region-ch, 1959  2569 (#84 on January 1959 list  [2472]   +1 (1.5/2, 75%)   = (0.5/1, 50%) vs 2507-rated opposition   -0.1 
    URS-JUG Kiev, 1959  2569 (#84 on January 1959 list  [2630]   +2 (2/2, 100%)   +2 (2/2, 100%) vs 2588-rated opposition   +1.0 

    Tbilisi (URS Championship), 1959  2569 (#84 on January 1959 list  2642   -2 (8.5/19, 45%)   -2 (8.5/19, 45%) vs 2675-rated opposition   +1.4 
    URS-BUL m Kiev, 1962  not rated on January 1962 list   [2577]   +1 (1/1, 100%)   +1 (1/1, 100%) vs 2590-rated opposition   N/A 
    URS-chT sf Baku, 1964  not rated on January 1964 list   -   = (1/2, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    URS Spartakiad Moscow, 1964  not rated on November 1964 list   [2558]   = (1/2, 50%)   = (1/2, 50%) vs 2622-rated opposition   N/A 
    URS-chT Moscow, 1966  not rated on September 1966 list   [2622]   +6 (6/6, 100%)   +1 (1/1, 100%) vs 2662-rated opposition   N/A 

    Sevastopol, 1970  not rated on January 1970 list   [2599]   +1 (1/1, 100%)   +1 (1/1, 100%) vs 2625-rated opposition   N/A 
    URS Army-ch Leningrad, 1970  not rated on January 1970 list   [2493]   -1 (0/1, 0%)   -1 (0/1, 0%) vs 2625-rated opposition   N/A 
    URS Army sf, 1971  not rated on January 1971 list   [2516]   = (0.5/1, 50%)   = (0.5/1, 50%) vs 2576-rated opposition   N/A