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Chessmetrics Player Profile: Vasilje Tomovic
   Born:    1906-May
   Best World Rank:    #40 (on the August 1946 rating list)
   Highest Rating:    2603 on the August 1946 rating list, #40 in world, age 40y3m
   Best Individual Performance:    2708 in Zagreb (JUG Championship), 1946, scoring 5/5 (100%) vs 2551-rated opposition

  (no graph available)   Best Performances   Career Details   Event Details   Ratings only
    Event Name  Rating   Performance   Overall Results   Actual Results vs Rated Opponents   +/- Predicted 
    Novi Sad, 1936  not rated on January 1936 list   [2432]   -2 (1.5/5, 30%)   -2 (0.5/3, 17%) vs 2548-rated opposition   N/A 
    JUG-ch Novi Sad, 1945  not rated on January 1945 list   -   +5 (14/23, 61%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Ljubljana Liberation, 1945  not rated on December 1945 list   [2561]   -1 (4/9, 44%)   +1 (1/1, 100%) vs 2564-rated opposition   N/A 
    Zagreb (JUG Championship), 1946  2583 (#48 on January 1946 list  2708   +4 (11/18, 61%)   +5 (5/5, 100%) vs 2551-rated opposition   +2.3 
    Ljubljana (JUG Championship), 1947  2597 (#42 on January 1947 list  2559   +2 (9.5/17, 56%)   +1 (8/15, 53%) vs 2528-rated opposition   -0.7 

    Budapest, 1948  2572 (#58 on January 1948 list  2476   -9 (3/15, 20%)   -4 (2/8, 25%) vs 2608-rated opposition   -1.7 
    Zagreb (JUG Championship), 1949  2478 (#136 on January 1949 list  2436   -6 (6.5/19, 34%)   -5 (5/15, 33%) vs 2519-rated opposition   -1.8 
    Belgrade, 1959  not rated on January 1959 list   2569   -1 (5/11, 45%)   +1 (3.5/6, 58%) vs 2552-rated opposition   N/A 
    Belgrade (Open), 1961  not rated on January 1961 list   [2581]   +2 (3/4, 75%)   +2 (3/4, 75%) vs 2520-rated opposition   N/A 
    Belgrade, 1963  not rated on January 1963 list   2457   -3 (3.5/10, 35%)   -4 (2.5/9, 28%) vs 2571-rated opposition   N/A 

    Belgrade, 1966  not rated on January 1966 list   [2423]   -1 (0/1, 0%)   -1 (0/1, 0%) vs 2513-rated opposition   N/A