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Chessmetrics Player Profile: Jean Taubenhaus
   Born:    1850-Dec
   Died:    1919-Sep
   Best World Rank:    #14 (7 different months between the August 1886 rating list and the March 1887 rating list )
   Highest Rating:    2597 on the August 1886 rating list, #14 in world, age 35y8m
   Best Individual Performance:    2691 in London, 1886, scoring 8/12 (67%) vs 2607-rated opposition

  (no graph available)   Best Performances   Career Details   Event Details   Ratings only
    Event Name  Rating   Performance   Overall Results   Actual Results vs Rated Opponents   +/- Predicted 
    Hamburg, 1885  not rated on July 1885 list   2526   -4 (6.5/17, 38%)   -3 (5.5/14, 39%) vs 2584-rated opposition   N/A 
    London, 1886  2499 (#36 on July 1886 list  2691   +4 (8/12, 67%)   +4 (8/12, 67%) vs 2607-rated opposition   +3.5 
    Nottingham, 1886  2597 (#14 on August 1886 list  2515   -1 (4/9, 44%)   -2 (3/8, 38%) vs 2586-rated opposition   -1.1 
    Frankfurt, 1887  2589 (#15 on July 1887 list  2438   -7 (6.5/20, 33%)   -8 (2/12, 17%) vs 2625-rated opposition   -3.5 
    Bradford, 1888  2544 (#30 on August 1888 list  2573   +2 (9/16, 56%)   -1 (6/13, 46%) vs 2596-rated opposition   +0.3 

    New York, 1889  2563 (#22 on March 1889 list  2538   -4 (19.5/43, 45%)   -7 (12/31, 39%) vs 2597-rated opposition   -2.2 
    Paris, 1890  2542 (#28 on January 1890 list  -   +6 (9/12, 75%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Manchester, 1890  2539 (#32 on August 1890 list  2589   +2 (10.5/19, 55%)   +1 (8.5/16, 53%) vs 2562-rated opposition   +0.9 
    Tarrasch-Taubenhaus Match (Nuremberg), 1891  2562 (#27 on January 1891 list  2544   -5 (1.5/8, 19%)   -5 (1.5/8, 19%) vs 2728-rated opposition   -0.9 
    Sittenfeld-Taubenhaus Match (Paris), 1891  2562 (#27 on January 1891 list  -   = (2.5/5, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 

    Paris, 1892  2555 (#30 on January 1892 list  [2452]   +1 (6/11, 55%)   = (0.5/1, 50%) vs 2474-rated opposition   -0.1 
    New York, 1893  2555 (#35 on September 1893 list  2514   -1 (6/13, 46%)   -1 (4.5/10, 45%) vs 2538-rated opposition   -0.7 
    Mieses-Taubenhaus Match (Glasgow), 1895  2526 (#53 on January 1895 list  2532   -1 (2/5, 40%)   -1 (2/5, 40%) vs 2600-rated opposition   -0.1 
    Taubenhaus-Vasquez Match (Havana), 1895  2526 (#53 on January 1895 list  -   +4 (7/10, 70%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Albin-Taubenhaus Match (Paris), 1901  not rated on January 1901 list   [2627]   +3 (3.5/4, 88%)   +3 (3.5/4, 88%) vs 2531-rated opposition   N/A 

    Monte Carlo, 1903  not rated on January 1903 list   2560   -5 (10.5/26, 40%)   -7 (8.5/24, 35%) vs 2647-rated opposition   N/A 
    Janowsky-Taubenhaus I (Paris), 1903  not rated on January 1903 list   2580   -4 (2/8, 25%)   -4 (2/8, 25%) vs 2738-rated opposition   N/A 
    Ostend, 1905  2553 (#29 on January 1905 list  2489   -16 (5/26, 19%)   -14 (4/22, 18%) vs 2692-rated opposition   -3.4 
    Janowsky-Taubenhaus II (Paris), 1905  2553 (#29 on January 1905 list  2672   -1 (2.5/6, 42%)   -1 (2.5/6, 42%) vs 2770-rated opposition   +1.0 
    Janowsky-Taubenhaus III (Paris), 1905  2553 (#29 on January 1905 list  2554   -4 (0.5/5, 10%)   -4 (0.5/5, 10%) vs 2770-rated opposition   -0.7 

    Ostend, 1906  2512 (#47 on January 1906 list  [2510]   = (1/2, 50%)   = (1/2, 50%) vs 2550-rated opposition   +0.1 
    St Petersburg2, 1913  not rated on January 1913 list   [2566]   -1 (0/1, 0%)   -1 (0/1, 0%) vs 2742-rated opposition   N/A 
    St. Petersburg, 1914  not rated on January 1914 list   [2516]   = (3.5/7, 50%)   = (1/2, 50%) vs 2560-rated opposition   N/A