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Chessmetrics Player Profile: Alexey Selezniev
   Born:    1888-Jan
   Died:    1967-Jun
   Best World Rank:    #15 (7 different months between the November 1919 rating list and the May 1920 rating list )
   Highest Rating:    2619 on the January 1920 rating list, #15 in world, age 32y0m
   Best Individual Performance:    2670 in Maehrisch Ostrau, 1923, scoring 6/10 (60%) vs 2636-rated opposition

  (no graph available)   Best Performances   Career Details   Event Details   Ratings only
    Event Name  Rating   Performance   Overall Results   Actual Results vs Rated Opponents   +/- Predicted 
    RUS-chB Vilnius, 1912  not rated on January 1912 list   -   -1 (0.5/2, 25%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Triberg 1415, 1914  not rated on January 1914 list   [2553]   -1 (8/17, 47%)   +1 (1/1, 100%) vs 2550-rated opposition   N/A 
    Triberg, 1916  not rated on January 1916 list   [2503]   +2 (3.5/5, 70%)   = (1/2, 50%) vs 2540-rated opposition   N/A 
    Bogoljubow-Selezniev Match (Triberg), 1917  not rated on January 1917 list   [2526]   = (1.5/3, 50%)   = (1.5/3, 50%) vs 2562-rated opposition   N/A 
    Berlin, 1919  not rated on January 1919 list   [2577]   = (3/6, 50%)   = (1/2, 50%) vs 2651-rated opposition   N/A 

    Gothenburg, 1920  2619 (#15 on January 1920 list  2515   -5 (4/13, 31%)   -4 (2.5/9, 28%) vs 2643-rated opposition   -1.7 
    Selezniev-Teichmann Match (Berlin), 1921  2566 (#16 on January 1921 list  -   +1 (1.5/2, 75%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Triberg-A, 1921  2566 (#16 on January 1921 list  -   -1 (0/1, 0%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Triberg, 1921  2561 (#21 on December 1921 list  2564   -4 (4/12, 33%)   -4 (4/12, 33%) vs 2668-rated opposition   -0.5 
    Bad Pistyan, 1922  2562 (#19 on January 1922 list  2527   -4 (7/18, 39%)   -4 (4/12, 33%) vs 2625-rated opposition   -1.1 

    Maehrisch Ostrau, 1923  2523 (#25 on July 1923 list  2670   +2 (7.5/13, 58%)   +2 (6/10, 60%) vs 2636-rated opposition   +2.3 
    Meran, 1924  2573 (#23 on January 1924 list  2571   +2 (7.5/13, 58%)   +1 (6/11, 55%) vs 2545-rated opposition   +0.1 
    URS-ch03 Moscow, 1924  2573 (#23 on January 1924 list  [2586]   +1 (4/7, 57%)   = (0.5/1, 50%) vs 2688-rated opposition   +0.1 
    URS-ch04 Leningrad, 1925  2574 (#23 on August 1925 list  -   = (1/2, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    URS-ch05 Moscow, 1927  not rated on September 1927 list   [2475]   -3 (1/5, 20%)   -2 (1/4, 25%) vs 2588-rated opposition   N/A