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Chessmetrics Player Profile: Ignatz Kolisch
   Born:    1837-Apr
   Died:    1889-Apr
   Best World Rank:    #1 (17 different months between the July 1867 rating list and the November 1868 rating list )
   Highest Rating:    2755 on the August 1867 rating list, #1 in world, age 30y4m
   Best Individual Performance:    2713 in Barnes-Kolisch Match (London), 1860, scoring 10/11 (91%) vs 2489-rated opposition

  Graph   Best Performances   Career Details   Event Details   Ratings only
    Event Name  Rating   Performance   Overall Results   Actual Results vs Rated Opponents   +/- Predicted 
    Harrwitz-Kolisch Match, 1859  not rated on January 1859 list   [2542]   +1 (2.5/4, 63%)   +1 (2.5/4, 63%) vs 2520-rated opposition   N/A 
    Barnes-Kolisch Match (London), 1860  not rated on January 1860 list   2713   +9 (10/11, 91%)   +9 (10/11, 91%) vs 2489-rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Owen Match (Manchester), 1860  not rated on January 1860 list   -   = (4/8, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Horwitz Match (Manchester), 1860  not rated on January 1860 list   -   +2 (3/4, 75%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Maude Graduated Match (London), 1860  not rated on January 1860 list   -   +3 (3/3, 100%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 

    Anderssen-Kolisch I (Paris), 1860  2592 (#4 on April 1860 list  2646   = (5.5/11, 50%)   = (5.5/11, 50%) vs 2663-rated opposition   +0.9 
    Cambridge, 1860  2618 (#3 on August 1860 list  -   +5 (5/5, 100%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Medley Match (London), 1860  2618 (#3 on October 1860 list  -   +2 (3/4, 75%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Anderssen-Kolisch II (London), 1861  2628 (#3 on July 1861 list  2596   -1 (4/9, 44%)   -1 (4/9, 44%) vs 2645-rated opposition   -0.3 
    Anderssen-Kolisch Offhand Match (London), 1861  2628 (#3 on July 1861 list  -   = (2/4, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 

    Bristol, 1861  2632 (#3 on September 1861 list  -   -1 (1/3, 33%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Paulsen Match (London), 1861  2624 (#3 on October 1861 list  -   -1 (15/31, 48%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Urusov I (St. Petersburg), 1862  2634 (#4 on January 1862 list  -   = (2/4, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Paulsen-Kolisch Offhand Games, 1862  2634 (#4 on January 1862 list  -   -1 (0.5/2, 25%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Shumov Match (St. Petersburg), 1862  2638 (#3 on May 1862 list  -   +4 (6/8, 75%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 

    Kolisch-Urusov II, 1862  2638 (#3 on May 1862 list  -   +2 (3/4, 75%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Anderssen Offhand Games, 1862  2641 (#3 on July 1862 list  -   +1 (1/1, 100%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Kolisch-Rosenthal Match (Paris), 1864  2646 (#2 on January 1864 list  -   +6 (7/8, 88%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Hirschfeld-Kolisch Match (Paris), 1864  2637 (#2 on July 1864 list  -   = (4/8, 50%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Paris, 1867  not rated on June 1867 list   [2737]   +17 (20/23, 87%)   +3 (3.5/4, 88%) vs 2682-rated opposition   N/A