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Top 10 players on their 71st birthday


Player Rating +/-
1 Lasker, Emanuel267170
2 Najdorf, Miguel255554
3 Smyslov, Vassily V255551
4 Reshevsky, Samuel H252158
5 Unzicker, Wolfgang249456
6 Geller, Efim P248855
7 Kholmov, Ratmir D248649
8 Gligoric, Svetozar247367
9 Bronstein, David I245952
10 Taimanov, Mark E245451

About these ratings

All players on their 71st birthday


Player Rating +/- Best? 75%? Rating Date
1 Lasker, Emanuel 26717080.6%#112/31/1938: #6
2 Najdorf, Miguel 2555546.8%#503/31/1981: #83
3 Smyslov, Vassily V 2555515.8%#502/29/1992: #168
4 Reshevsky, Samuel H 2521582.7%#810/31/1982: #138
5 Unzicker, Wolfgang 2494560.9%#1005/31/1996: #435
6 Geller, Efim P 2488550.7%#1002/29/1996: #469
7 Kholmov, Ratmir D 2486490.3%#1004/30/1996: #475
8 Gligoric, Svetozar 2473670.9%#1201/31/1994: #466
9 Bronstein, David I 2459520.2%#1201/31/1995: #575
10 Taimanov, Mark E 2454510.1%#1201/31/1997: #667
11 Averbakh, Yury L 2454690.5%#1301/31/1993: #554
12 Khasin, Abram I 2439750.5%#1401/31/1994: #662
13 Shamkovich, Leonid A 239566#1805/31/1994: #996
14 Suetin, Alexey S 237856#1810/31/1997: #1249
15 Pachmann, Ludek 237658#1904/30/1995: #1206
16 Bird, Henry E 235763#2112/31/1900: #33
17 Karaklajic, Nikola 234259#2201/31/1997: #1695
18 Canal, Esteban 232760#2303/31/1967: #340
19 Rossetto, Héctor D 232173#2508/31/1993: #1638
20 Benko, Pal C 231568#2507/12/1999: #1894
21 Robatsch, Karl 231070#2610/11/1999: #1951
22 Damjanovic, Mato 230966#2602/28/1998: #2102
23 Opocenský, Karel 229766#2712/31/1962: #305
24 Soos, Bela 227758#2803/05/2001: #2303
25 Bouwmeester, Henk B 227163#2909/11/2000: #2443
26 Bondar, Anatoly T 226173#3109/30/1997: #2881
27 Dueckstein, Andreas 225857#3007/31/1998: #2952
28 Matsuo, Tomohiko 223172#3305/31/1997: #3357
29 Paoli, Enrico 222861#3312/31/1978: #633
30 Wagman, Stuart 222563#3304/30/1990: #1716
31 Tanner, Pedro 219274#3609/30/1993: #2802
32 Ridameya Tatche, Jose 219171#3607/03/2000: #3347
33 Mortimer, James 218770#3612/31/1903: #33
34 Vodep, Otto 217972#3701/10/2000: #3652
35 Hocevar, Nikola 217266#3710/09/2000: #3528
36 Winiwarter, Felix 215871#3803/19/2001: #3515
37 Levit, Roman 214473#3901/31/1995: #3735
38 Baumgartner, Walter 213673#3907/31/1994: #3443
39 Heemskerk, Fenny 212873#3911/30/1990: #2039
40 Szirmai, Eduard 212767#3901/31/2000: #4137
41 Waller, Helmut 205664#4108/31/1997: #4817

For each player on this list, the rating they possessed on their 71st birthday is listed. That rating was the last one calculated while they were 70 years of age, so it was their "current" rating on the day they turned 71. Players who played an insufficient number of games in recent years will not appear on the list, even though you may see them on lists for younger and/or older birthdays. Any players who had been completely inactive for three years are removed from the list.

Definition of columns in the above list:

# refers to the player's all-time rank on this list, compared to all other players when they turned 71.

Player is the full name of the player. Click on the player's name to see a career progression of their ratings.

Rating is the calculated rating for each player on their 71st birthday.

+/- is the standard deviation of the player's rating estimate. It is based on a geometric average of the number of rated games played in past years. Players who play very frequently will have a smaller +/- value, indicating a greater confidence in the accuracy of their rating. Players whose +/- value exceeds 76 are classified as "inactive" and removed from the ranking list due to their infrequent play against rated opponents. Mathematically, a player's rating is an estimate of their exact strength on their 71st birthday. The +/- value represents the standard deviation of that estimate; the player's true strength on their 71st birthday should be within one standard deviation of their calculated rating approximately 68% of the time, and within two standard deviations of their calculated rating approximately 95% of the time.

Best? is the estimated likelihood that the player was stronger on their 71st birthday than anyone else turning 71. Since ratings are known to be inaccurate, it is possible that a lower-rated player was actually much stronger than their rating would indicate, and it is also possible that other players were weaker than their ratings would indicate. This number indicates the likelihood that the player was indeed the strongest player ever among players turning 71. On a particular list, it will add up to 100% across the complete list of all players. This value is only calculated for the top 100 players on any rating list.

75%? gives a 75%-confidence world ranking for the player. Because ratings are known to be inaccurate, even if a particular player had the third-highest rating ever, among players turning 71, we cannot say with 100% certainty that they were truly one of the three strongest 71-year-old players. This number indicates the all-time rank that we are 75% sure the player is "no worse than". Thus if a player has a value of #12 in this column, we are 75% sure that the player is one of the twelve strongest players ever to turn 71. This value is only calculated for the top 100 players on any rating list.

Date is the exact date that the rating applied to. Click on that date to see the sorted list of all players' ratings on that date.

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